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未分类 丁火 15年前 (2010-07-21) 887次浏览 0个评论


WTF is HTML5 (信息图表)

WTF is HTML5 (信息图表)

什么是十六进制 (Hex)?

What the Hex?

E-commerce: 一个成功的基础设计重构

E-commerce: Fundamentals of a Successful Re-Design


A List Apart: Articles: Web Fonts at the Crossing

打造你自己的第一款 Google Chrome 扩展

Making Your First Google Chrome Extension

简单的 CSS3 下拉菜单

Simple CSS3 Dropdown Menu

使用 CSS3 设计充满活力的数码海报

Create a Vibrant Digital Poster Design with CSS3

花哨的 jQuery 表单滑动效果

Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery

20 款必备的 WordPress 插件

20 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Every Website


A Beginner’s Guide to the Business Side of Freelancing

50+ 有用的 CSS 技术,工具和教程

50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tools and Tutorials

33+ 令人称奇的单色摄影照片案例

33 Amazing Examples of Monochromatic Photography

WordPress: 从 Kubrick 到 Twenty Ten

WordPress: From Kubrick to Twenty Ten

100 年的鼓吹史:好的,坏的,丑恶的

100 Years Of Propaganda: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

75+ 令人震惊的广告

75 Shocking Advertisements

如何使用 Photoshop 创建一个可爱的黄色外星人图标

How to Create a Cute Yellow Alien Icon in Photoshop


Alice in Wonderland Drinking Tea in the Royal Courtyard  (Tutorial)

使用 Photoshop 设计宇宙空间主题的页面

Design a Space-Themed Poster with Photoshop

A Different Type of Vintage: 40 年代的复古电影风格制作教程

A Different Type of Vintage: 40s Movie Inspired Retro

Desert Fish: 贺岁图片处理教程

Desert Fish: Surreal Photo Manipulation Part-1 « PsAwesome★  Awesome Photoshop Tutorials

10 款高分辨率的 Photoshop 笔刷

10 High Resolution Grunge Brushes for Photoshop

独家免费新手包 – 老式手枪

Exclusive Freebie Pack – Vintage Pistols

45 免费木纹材质素材

45 Free Wood Textures

来自 MARCA.com 的2010 世界杯日历

Calendar World Cup 2010 by MARCA.com

英文原文:Weekly Design News – Resources, Tutorials and Freebies (N.41) | Speckyboy

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