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未分类 智子论道 15年前 (2010-07-16) 9089次浏览 3个评论


As a general rule you need the only worker with large number of
worker_connections, say 10,000 or 20,000.

However, if nginx does CPU-intensive work as SSL or gzipping and
you have 2 or more CPU, then you may set worker_processes to be equal
to CPU number.

Besides, if you serve many static files and the total size of the files
is bigger than memory, then you may increase worker_processes to
utilize a full disk bandwidth.

Igor Sysoev

一般一个进程足够了,你可以把连接数设得很大。如果有SSL、gzip这些比较消耗CPU的工作,而且是多核CPU的话,可以设为和CPU的数量一样。或 者要处理很多很多的小文件,而且文件总大小比内存大很多的时候,也可以把进程数增加,以充分利用IO带宽(主要似乎是IO操作有block)。


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  1. 谢谢楼主的分享.... CPU的个数是不区分的单核还是多核的么?
    xinqiyang2010-07-26 22:28
    • 丁火